
You are flooded with tons of data, day by day. Spreadsheets, reports, surveys, you name it. But you are neither the info junkie nor the number cruncher. You actually have no time to invest on it, while you know that you’re wasting precious insights and significant potential. Despair? No.

We are here to help.

Leveraging on our team’s research excellence and extended expertise, we put our hands on your data, thoroughly study it using state-of-the-art technologies and the latest artificial intelligence and statistical techniques, to finally come up with observations and patterns you couldn’t imagine existed.

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Why care?

The problem is simple. Data is the least biased input of yours for both your strategic and day-to-day decision making. Still, you have yet to leverage it to give you a competitive edge. We are here to make it happen.

Take a moment to think about how much data is today generated with regards to your business and industry in general. Then, in which ways and what kind of insights you may get by exploiting this. There lies some great value, and we help you deliver it.

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You used to think of column graphs and pies as the most insightful views you could expect from a data analysis. You’ll probably change your mind.

Here’s an example outcome, of a simple survey analysis.

If color = yellow then buy = yes

Let’s take a closer look.

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Do not buy a car if you cannot drive (or what to avoid when selecting a data mining partner)

Do not buy a car i...

You arrive in a foreign city for a couple of days and you need to get some stuff done and attend some meetings. You have no idea how to move ...

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The MineKnowledge Magazine

The MineKnowledg...

Mineknowledge Magazine, Vol. I
News release: MineKnowledge Launches Expert-Powered Data Mining Service for Data Sets on Demand

News release: Mi...

We submitted a press release at PRweb ...


It is with joy and ...